Kid Krysler and The New Yorkers

Gotta love that "Rain forest Grafitti" look! And YES those fins and brakelights are attached to a real Crysler New Yorker full sized sedan.  I developed a love/hate relationship with 50's grafitti type music; I always could play it well but.... the repetition was deadly. I think if I played the solo from Peggy Sue one more time I'd go mad. (Crazier than I am already anyways.)
The guitarist and the drummer were brothers. Jim (guitar) used Score. Dirty Andre was definitely a Brylcreem type of guy; he also had a serious Coke problem. Coca-Cola that is. He had a room in his house full of every possible Coca-Cola knick-knack/bric-a-brak. Bottles, radios, 7 'chest' coolers and several "Drink Coca-Cola" buttons; round things about 4 or 5 feet in diameter. On the 'big gigs' we'd hang one behind the drums; an effective grafitti stage visual I can assure you.
They worked hard and took it seriously; we played 70 songs a night including 3 medleys: Buddy Holly, the Rock n' Roll medley (all the black guys) and , of course, Elvis.
They were really nice guys I have to say; the signed photo is a nice souvenir. They gave it to me when I left the band to go on to other things (see next photo.) I had enough brylcreem of my own to get through the next year. Greasy kid's stuff.

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